Here is what we've been doing...going to Suzuki with Leighana and Trey and his family who are visiting Maine for the first time. We had lobster miso (yum). Going to Ocean Point for a picnic at sunset. Going to Chase's Daily for breakfast and a visit to Yo Mama. And I think I don't get out much.
Here is the sixth offering of the Layers Project Erika and I are working on. The image on top is my drawing in response to Erika's shapes on the string in her last work. She said (of her fifth piece) that it made her think of how it would be if those colorful shapes were hanging from telephone wires everywhere, (!) and that idea was my inspiration.The second image is the back of Erika's piece, the third image is the front. It is made of cut white paper over green paper. She was exploring the layers of light coming through the paper, and referencing the shape outlines of my last piece.
I am an artist working in watercolor, acrylic, and collage. I live in a small village on the coast of Maine. I blog to connect and share my art and my everyday life with others. It's a place where I can touch down to document what I experience as an artist.