
The Art of Mary Fedden RA

Mary Fedden died last June, but she is still inspiring me. Here are some of her paintings, and a link to the Portland gallery in London where she was/is represented.



Photographer Erin Wallace of Bluebirdbaby blog, is doing another EyesOpen  photography e-course. She asked me to be a contributor, which means I got to wax philosophical about my creative process and share some photos of my work and home. You can see the post here. I thought you might want to see some more photos of my home. Sometimes people say I should share more of my home, but I always feel a bit self-conscious about doing that. I don't know why since most of these have been on my Flickr stream for quite awhile. I live in a very old house (1763) that my husband and I have been slowly working on for 10 years now. We live in a little village on the coast of Maine, and it is a very quiet life for us. We have the feeling that our house chose us because we are hardworking fools who will devote that kind of crazy time and effort to this kind of endeavor! We love the house though. I fell in love with the old doors, and John loves the 2 chimneys we had to have rebuilt from the roof up (ahem, you see what I mean...we could have had a pretty nice vacation for what that cost!). But there is something about making a house a home, and one that reflects who lives there, and how. It is an art form, and one of the most satisfying to me. So here goes.


Margaret Evangeline

Margaret Evangeline is a New York based painter, website here. She achieved attention with her bullet-ridden works, which I have not shown here because I prefer these lyrical paintings. It's kind of nice to see an accomplished artist exploring very diverse mediums and subjects. Especially when I recall the many times I have been told that my work is too diverse. That never rings true to me to the actual creative process. Making art is exploration and it's hard to plan where an exploration will go if it is organic. Here is a nice shot of Ms. Evangeline's studio which I found on her blog.

She mentions reading a book by Sarah Bakewell, "How to Live-Or A Life of Montaigne". Anyone read that?

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